As can be seen on this page, VBA provides users with many outputs, including inversion results (e.g. parameters’ estimates) and diagnostics (e.g., residuals auto-correlation function).

Below, we describe in more details VBA’s main output arguments.

Posterior density on model (unknown) variables

First of all, when calling the main inversion function, i.e..:

[posterior, out] = ...
   VBA_NLStateSpaceModel(y, u, f_fname, g_fname, dim, options) ;

VBA approximates the posterior density over model variables (i.e.: evolution/observation parameters, hidden states, initial conditions and precision hyperparameters). The moments of the approximate marginal posterior densities are stored in the posterior structure, in a similar fashion to the options.priors input structure (see this description), i.e.:

  • Observation parameters
    • posterior.muPhi: posterior mean (vector) of observation parameters
    • posterior.SigmaPhi: posterior covariance (matrix) of observation parameters
  • Evolution parameters (only for dynamical systems)
    • posterior.muTheta: posterior mean (vector) of evolution parameters
    • posterior.SigmaTheta: posterior covariance (matrix) of evolution parameters
  • Hidden states (only for dynamical systems)
    • posterior.muX: posterior mean (matrix) of hidden states’ time series
    • posterior.SigmaX.current: posterior instantaneous covariances (cell array of matrices) of hidden states
    • posterior.SigmaX.inter: posterior lagged covariances (cell array of matrices) of hidden states
  • Initial conditions (only for dynamical systems)
    • posterior.muX0: posterior mean (vector) of initial hidden states
    • posterior.SigmaX0: posterior covariance (matrix) of initial hidden states
  • Measurement noise precision (only for continuous data)
    • posterior.a_sigma: posterior shape parameter for the (Gamma-distributed) precision of observation noise
    • posterior.b_sigma: posterior rate parameter for the (Gamma-distributed) precision of observation noise
  • State noise precision (only for dynamical systems)
    • posterior.a_alpha: posterior shape parameter for the (Gamma-distributed) precision of state noise
    • posterior.b_alpha: posterior rate parameter for the (Gamma-distributed) precision of state noise

All these can be eyeballed under the ‘VB inversion’ tab (see this page).

Posterior estimates of precision hyperparameters can be obtained from their posterior mean, which reduces to the ratio of shape and rate parameters, e.g. (for the observation noise \(\sigma\)): \(E[\sigma|y]= \frac{a_{\sigma}}{b_{\sigma}}\) where \(a_{\sigma}\) and \(b_{\sigma}\) are the posterior shape and rate parameters, respectively.

Model quality metrics

The above inversion call also returns the structure out, which can be queried for all sorts of diagnostics. Among these, VBA computes model quality metrics:

  • Model’s log-evidence: out.F. This is the variational Bayesian approximation to the model’s marginal likelihood, which is required for model comparison. A dummy “Bayesian p-value” for the model can then be computed as follows:

    dF = out.F - out.diagnostics.LLH0 ;
    bayesianP = 1./(1+exp(dF)) ;

where out.diagnostics.LLH0 is the evidence for the “null” (i.e. a model that assumes that data are random samples). The above “Bayesian p-value” is in fact the posterior probability of the null…

More generally, the model’s log-evidence is used for model comparison purposes. This specific issue is treated in other sections. For example, group-level model selection is described here, whereas model selection with large model spaces is described here.

  • Goodness-of-fit metrics:
    • percentage of variance explained:
    • log-likelihood:
    • AIC:
    • BIC:
    • when dealing with categorical (binary) data, VBA also outputs the classification accuracy, i.e. the percentage of correct classifications (see, as well as the so-called “balanced classification accuracy” (see

TIP: here AIC and BIC scores are defined as the log-likelihood, minus a model complexity penalty term (typically related to the number of unknown model variables). This means that for all model quality metrics, the higher the score, the better the model. All these are given under the summary tab of VBA’s graphical output. Note that all goodness-of-fit metrics can be re-derived using the function VBA_fit.m (which simply requires both posterior and out structures).

Inversion diagnostics

Typically, four types of inversion diagnostics can be eyeballed in a systematic manner ( they are displayed under the ‘diagnostics’ tabof VBA’s graphical output):

  • model parameters’ posterior correlation matrix: out.diagnostics.C. This matrix is useful for checking potential non-identifiability issues, which would express themselves as strong posterior correlations between model parameters. Note: this posterior correlation matrix \(C\) concatenates all ‘static’ parameters, i.e.: \(C = \left[\begin{array}{ccc} C_{\phi} & \cdots & \cdots \\ \cdots & C_{\theta} & \cdots \\ \cdots & \cdots & C_{X_0} \end{array}\right]\) where \(C_{\phi}\), \(C_{\theta}\) and \(C_{X_0}\) are the marginal posterior correlation matrices for observation parameters, evolution parameters and initial conditions, respectively.

    For deterministic dynamical systems, the posterior correlation matrix \(C\) may contain non-zero entries outside the three main diagnoal blocks, because there is no VB mean-field separation between the three sets of parameters. In all other cases, \(C\) is a block diagonal correlation matrix, by construction!

  • residuals’ empirical auto-correlation: out.diagnostics.dy.R. This is useful for checking the absence of structure in model residuals, which would signal “underfitting”.

    If there is a temporal dimension to the data (i.e. if there is more than one time sample), then the residuals’ auto-correlation is derived along time (i.e. VBA derives the temporal auto-correlation of the residuals). Otherwise, the residuals’ auto-correlation is derived along data channels!

  • residuals’ empirical histogram: this can be used as a post-hoc sanity check for a key prior assumption, under which the likelihood function is derived, namely: residuals should be normally distributed. In particular, the empirical distribution should be unimodal. In other words, VBA’s inference may be quite robust to, e.g., fat tails and/or skewness

    Although, formally speaking, this does not apply to binary data, a well-behaved model inversion under a binomial likelihood would exhibit a unimodal distribution of empirical residuals.

  • micro-time resolution hidden states and predicted data: this can be used to eyeball the model predictions interpolated outside the sampling grid. Note: this only applies to models that rely on (almost) continuous dynamical systems, whereby the evolution function is applied more than one time in between two time samples.

    How to use this to diagnose the model inversion is not entirely trivial. But one may pay particular attention to stiff jumps in the micro-time resolution dynamics. This is because these may signal the need for increasing the micro-time resolution (because the discrete approximation to the underlying continuous system may be invalid)…

In addition, for dynamical systems, VBA provides:

  • Volterra kernels: out.diagnostics.kernels. This diagnostic analysis allows one to identify the system’s states’ and observables’ impulse response to experimentally controlled inputs (even when the system is strongly nonlinear). Volterra kernels can be eyeballed under the ‘kernels’ tab (see this page).