This page summarizes the steps required for performing a model inversion with the core routines of the VBA toolbox. Recall that the main model inversion routine is VBA_NLStateSpaceModel.m, whose inputs/outputs are defined below. It implements a variational Bayesian approach to the inversion of a very generic class of generative models, namely: “nonlinear state-space models”. This class of models is described here.

In brief, in the aim of performing a model-based data analysis using VBA:

  • one needs to define evolution and observation functions.
  • one can provide further information about the model and/or its inversion (e.g. priors).

TIP: Many demonstration scripts are provided with the toolbox (e.g., see this fast demo). We suggest you go through some of these to get started.

Step 1: Defining observation/evolution functions

Generative models are defined in terms of evolution and observation functions. The VBA toolbox already contains a library of such functions (for models of behavioural and/or physiological responses). In case one may want to use VBA on one’s in-house model, one has to write these evolution/observation functions, in compliance with the following i/o:

z = function_name(x_t, P, u_t, in) ;
  • x_t : the vector of hidden states at time t
  • P : the vector of parameters (evolution parameters for the evolution function, observation parameters for the observation function)
  • u_t : the input (experimenter control variable) at time t.
  • in : may contain any extra relevant information (arbitrary)
  • z: the predicted state (evolution function) or data (observation function).

The definition of hidden states (\(x\)), parameters (\(\theta\) and \(\phi\)), hyperparameters (\(\sigma\) and \(\alpha\)) and inputs (\(u\)), as well as their role in the model, are given here.

Note that, except the in input to evolution/observation functions (which can be anything), all other i/o variables should be column vectors. And the dimension of these vectors should correspond to those given in the dim structure (see below)!

TIP: In fact, you can also specify the gradients of evolution/observation functions w.r.t states and paraemters as two additional (optional) output variables. This is is useful for accelerating VBA’s inversions (you can earn up to 2 or 3 orders of magnitude in terms of computational time). For example:

function [g,dgdx,dgdP] = g_dummy(x,P,u,in)
% dummy observation function with one state and one parameter 
g = x.*P.*u; % "minimal" output
dgdx = P.*u; % gradient wrt states (x)
dgdP = x.*u; % gradient wrt parameters (P)

Thus, the second and third outputs of evolution/observation functions are optional but, if specified, they should only be used for gradients!

Step 2 : Setting model inversion options

The VBA model inversion requires the user to specify some additional information:

  • model dimensions : VBA stores these in the structure dim, which contains the following fields:
    • n : number of hidden states
    • p : output (data) dimension, ie. number of obervations per time sample
    • n_theta : number of evolution parameters
    • n_phi : number of observation parameters
    • n_t : number of time samples

For example, setting:

dim.n       = 1 ; % number of hidden states
dim.n_theta = 2 ; % number of evolution parameters
dim.n_phi   = 3 ; % number of observation parameters

tells VBA that there are 1 hidden state, 2 evolution parameters and 3 observation parameters.

TIP: The dim structure has to match the dimensions of the inputs (more precisely: hidden states and parameters) to the evolution and observation functions. In case you don’t use VBA’s default priors, they also have to match the dimensions of your priors…

  • Other options

VBA allows the user to control the inversion using an options input structure, which is passed to VBA_NLStateSpaceModel.m. These options include, but are not limited to: informing VBA about categorical and/or missing data, setting “micro-time resolution”, passing optional arguments to evolution and/or observation functions, etc… This page provides an (almost) exhaustive list of these options.

Step 3 : Defining priors

In addition to the evolution and observation functions, specifying the generative model requires the definition of prior probability distributions over model unknown variables. These are summarized by sufficient statistics (e.g., mean and variance), which are stored as a matlab structure priors that is itself apended to the options structure:

  • Observation parameters
    • priors.muPhi: prior mean on \(\phi\)
    • priors.SigmaPhi: prior covariance on \(\phi\)
  • Evolution parameters (only for dynamical systems)
    • priors.muTheta: prior mean on \(\theta\)
    • priors.SigmaTheta: prior covariance on \(\theta\)
  • Initial conditions (only for dynamical systems)
    • priors.muX0: prior mean on \(x_0\)
    • priors.SigmaX0: prior covariance on \(x_0\)
  • Measurement noise precision (only for continuous data)
    • priors.a_sigma: prior shape for the measurement noise precision \(\sigma\)
    • priors.b_sigma: prior rate for the measurement noise precision \(\sigma\)
  • State noise precision (only for dynamical systems)
    • priors.a_alpha: prior shape for the state noise precision \(\alpha\)
    • priors.b_alpha: prior rate for the state noise precision \(\alpha\)
  • Noise precision matrices
    • priors.iQy: prior precision matrices for the measurement noise (only for gaussian data sources)
    • priors.iQx: prior precision matrices for the state noise (only for stochastic systems)

If left unspecified, the priors structure is filled in with defaults (typically, i.i.d. zero-mean and unit-variance Gaussian densities, except for \(\sigma\) and \(\alpha\)). For example, setting:

priors.muPhi = zeros(dim.n_phi,1); % prior mean (obs params)
priors.SigmaPhi = eye(dim.n_phi); % prior covariance (obs params)

effectively defines a \(N\left( 0,I \right)\) i.i.d. (zero-mean, unit-variance) normal density on observation parameters.

Tip: By default, VBA assumes that dynamical systems are deterministic. This is done by forcing an infinite prior precision on state noise. However, VBA identification of stochastic systems can be performed by setting a finite state noise precision.

For example, setting:

priors.a_alpha = 1; % prior shape param (state noise precision) 
priors.b_alpha = 1; % prior rate param (state noise precision)

effectively assumes that state noise precision \(\alpha\) is a unit-mean and unit-variance Gamma variable. This allows non-zero state noise to enter and perturb the hidden states’ dynamics…

One then fills in the priors field of the options structure, as follows:

options.priors = priors ; % store 'priors' in VBA's 'options' input structure

In any bayesian data analysis, setting the priors is a subtle issue. From a classical perspective, priors induce a systematic bias in parameter estimation (but remember the “bias-variance trade-off” of machine learning). More importantly, when data is of insufficient quantity and/or quality, priors partly influence bayesian model comparison, which is based upon the marginal likelihood. At this point, suffices to say that VBA enables so-called “empirical Bayes” approaches, in which the priors are estimated from the data. This is explained on this page

Step 4 : Inverting the model

Having completed steps 1 to 3, one simply calls the main VB model inversion routine, namely VBA_NLStateSpaceModel.m, as follows:

[posterior,out] = VBA_NLStateSpaceModel(y,u,f_fname,g_fname,dim,options)

Its input arguments are:

  • the data y

  • the input u (can be left empty)

  • f_fname: the name/handle of the evolution function (left empty for static models)

  • g_fname: the name/handle of the observation function

  • dim: the dimensions of the model variables

  • options (can be left empty)

Its output arguments are:

  • posterior: a matlab structure that has the same format as the priors above (i.e. stores the first- and second-order moments of the posterior densities of all unknown variables in the model)

  • out: a matlab structure that summarizes some diagnostics of the model VBA inversion. NB: the (lower bound to) the model evidence is stored in out.F.

A simple and fast demonstration of a VBA model inversion (for a Q-learning model) is described here. A description of VBA’s graphical output is described here.